Love your article! I've asked myself these same questions hundreds of times. When I heard that ridiculous diatribe from Trump about the "aliens" eating cats and dogs fueling his racist views I was disgusted. I have lived in Hong Kong, Thailand and Vietnam. I remember how horrified I felt being offered chicken feet at a restaurant. That's my problem, not theirs. It 's pure unfamiliarity and ignorance. Some people in Thailand drink snake blood for better health. In Vietnam, some eat dogs and there are restaurants with dog proudly on the menu. They also grill river rats from the Mekong Delta as the rats live on vegetation along the banks. I agree with Anthony Bourdain, that if people were more tolerant or informed about other peoples "anomalies" or theoretically strange behaviour we may all get along a lot better. There are so many varieties of foods people eat from all over the world. Your article was fun to read and as I lean more to vegetarianism every day, helps me explain it to my family. Thank you.

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Thanks! As a vegetarian myself, I'm kind of mystified by the way people draw such strong boundaries around different kinds of meat. To me, they're all animals. But I'd bet vegans would be mystified by the way I approach food -- why am I OK with cheese and eggs but not meat? To some extent, we're all categorizing things in ways that make more emotional sense than logical sense.

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I forgot to add in my last post. It's like the quote in Animal Farm. "Some animals are more equal than others"

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