The Sauce is food. It’s drink. It’s the culture that binds us and tells us what and how to eat.

Think of the Sauce as a deep-dive food and drink magazine. Recipes. Opinions. Commentary. Food and drink travel guides. And a lot of sticking two fingers up to food and drink systems that don’t work well enough for humans.

It’s written by me, Charlie Brown, a British writer living in Porto, Portugal.

I’m a wine geek at heart. 11 years ago I founded and — and eight years later sold —what was once awarded the UK’s best independent wine store and bar, Vino Vero.

Now, I write and edit full-time here on Substack and at Medium (where I’ve amassed a following of over 40,000 people). Wine is still very much on my radar. I write about it and I’m watching my husband learn how to make it whilst doing the occasional bit of pretend work at his winery.

I write a lot for free but I also paywall some articles. You can gain access to everything The Sauce has to offer for $5 a month or $50 a year.

My favourite articles

Free for everyone

Paid subscribers only

Why pay?

Good question. It largely boils down to this.

I could pepper The Sauce with distracting ads. I could annoy you with affiliate links. I could do #sponcon or shill products I don’t care about other than how much they are prepared to pay me.

I don’t want to do that.

I want to write what I want to write. What I think is important to write. What I care about and I think you will care about too.

I can only do this thanks to my fantastic cohort of paid subscribers who keep the oven light on and the internet paid for. Thank you.

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Deep dives into food and drink culture. By Charlie Brown, food and drink writer, ex-wine store and bar owner & 12+ years in the wine & food industry


Food, drink and culture writer | 12+ years in hospitality | Founder & previous owner of what was once awarded Britain's "best independent wine retailer" | Porto resident